8 Kids, 1 Car
We hosted a foosball championship at Hugz for the kids from the village this weekend. Here is Maad driving some of the kids to the land. Don't worry. In the West Bank driving 8 kids in a compact car is totally legal as long as none of them are dangling out the window.

Everyone Loves Olive
Once they got there, Olive was the star of the show and she loved every minute of it.

The Boys' Competition
We had about 30 participants, and the kids took the game really seriously. The two on the left ended up winning the boys' competition.

The Girls' Competition
The two on the left won the girls' competition, but the one on the far let, Lena, pretty much carried the team.

And the Winners Are...
Being awarded a trophy in an amphitheater is pretty cool when you're 12

Enjoying the Amphitheater
The kids enjoying the sun and fun on the steps of the amphitheater.

"Huge Smiley"
Love the Shirt

Proud Little Brother
Enjoying big brother's trophy

What's in there?
Boy proud of trophy. Dog wondering if trophy full of doggy treats.